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Fast frakt 79,- (pakkeboks 10kg) / 129,- (pickup-point 10+kg) | Butikkutsalg i Trondheim

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Lechuza Pon 18 Liter


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Lechuza Pon 18 Liter

Produktet er midlertidig utsolgt. Dersom du ønsker å motta en epost når vi får det inn på lager, kan du legge igjen epostadressen din i skjemaet under.

Spesialutviklet substrat fra Lechuza.

Det perfekte alternativet når konvensjonell jord ikke kan eller bør brukes.

Egnet til alle typer planter, til og med orkideer og sitrus-planter. Består av steriliserte mineralsteiner av høy kvalitet.

Lechuza Pon har optimal luft/vann - forholdfor plantens rotsone. Pon kan brukes i mange år uten å byttes da den ikke mister struktur.

Inneholder bla. Zeolitt for å stabilisere pH på optimal verdi for planten din.

Lechuza pon bufrer også overskuddsnæring og gir den tilbake til planten din ved behov!


LECHUZA-PON is the perfect alternative where conventional soil cannot or should not be used. 

The LECHUZA-PON advantages

LECHUZA-PON is 100% suitable for all plants (even orchids and citrus plants).

LECHUZA-PON consists of high quality, mineral stones, that are free from contamination and pollutants.

LECHUZA-PON has the optimal air/water ratio for plants of 45% water / 55% air. The vulnerability to diseases is reduced. Even after some time, the structurally stable plant substrate does not condense and it keeps its air permeable structure. LECHUZA-PON can be used for years, without having to be replaced!

The multiple filtering in production reduces the fine particles in the substrate to a minimum. This prevents a silting up in the root area and sustains a long-lasting capillarity.

The substance zeolite stabilizes the ideal PH balance for a healthy plant growth in your LECHUZA planter. Macro and micronutrients remain permanently.

LECHUZA-PON has a continuous capillarity up to the planter's surface. Even undergrowth and small rooted plants get the perfect amount of water this way.

The LECHUZA plant substrate takes care of a balanced nutrient distribution in the root area of your planter. Through the ideal supply the plant builds a consistent, compact root dispersion and becomes a robust plant, that will stay with you for a long time.

LECHUZA-PON acts like a buffer, that absorbs excessive fertilizer and gives it back to the plant when needed. The natural nutrient storage prevents the burning of the roots through overfertilizing.

LECHUZA-PON has an adjusted bulk weight. Your plant is supported firmly in the planter, which is important for bigger plants. LECHUZA-PON takes care that your LECHUZA planter stays stable and is suited perfectly for outdoor use.

The substrate is a natural odour absorber, for eg. dead roots.

Metallic elements and pollutants (e.g. from the water) are blocked permanently.

The purely mineral plant substrate prevents fungus that attack the roots. PON is therefore suited for people that may have allergies. It is not a good home for pests such as the dark-winged fungus gnats, as they only nest in soil.

PON is free-flowing and can be used on its own without any soil to fill the planters.

When planting in LECHUZA-PON you don't have to free the root ball completely from soil.

LECHUZA-PON constituents

  • Zeolite
  • German washed pumice
  • German, light Lava (supplies your plant with iron permanently)
  • Fully coated premium quality fertilizer.
    • The coating is purely organic and degrades residue-free.
    • The fertilizer supplies your plant with nutrients for up to 6 months.
    • Suitable for all plants, like foliage and flowering plants, orchids, citrus plants, herbs, tomatoes, fruit trees and cacti!

Lechuza, inspirerende innovativ design. 

I over 20 år har Lechuza satset på bærekraftig produksjon i Tyskland med fokus på førsteklasses kvalitet på materialer og produkter. 

Lechuza står i bresjen for innovative intelligente vanningsløsninger og unik prisbelønnet design. 

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